Saturday, March 04, 2006


i expect the nine hole day is already coming,this is sunny day and warm with little bit wind i drove around 45mins to sai kung and then took 25mins ferry to kau sai chau public golf coures and then took 1 mins shuttle bus went there.i am so happy i be there finally becasue i dream too much to play hole game.
thanks gods becasue a few day ago the weather is cloudy and cold but today is wonderful day.there also have driving range and north area and south area for 18 hole.the course teacher's tommy he around 50yrs who play very good and i have two couple of playermate to join the course. all of five to play nine hole game.when i step on the big green and wide space i feeling so freedom and awesome.that's what i want and i crazy on this game.totally we use 4 hrs to finish the nine hole. today i don't care about score and par and crowd and mood and aim and ball becasue i am very enjoy on first time on tee.during the game one couple who her wife hit the ball to the bird when the bird is walking on the grass,his husband laught at her got the "birdie".that's so funny word.


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